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Elite Competitions Logo


This competition has now ended

Main prize winner

Rob Parret - PW50

Ticket number


This competition has ended but there are more amazing prizes waiting to be won on our latest competitions.

Yamaha PW50 Easy to ride automatic, restrictors for safety that can be removed with experience. When it comes to kids' mini-bikes, Yamaha is the clear leader. With the PW50's rider-friendly design it's easy to see why this 50cc 2-stroke is a firm favourite with kids and parents. Safety features include an adjustable throttle which allows parents to limit top speed to suit the rider's skill level - and the enclosed shaft drive reduces maintenance chores. And there's no gear shifting to worry about, its zippy 50cc 2-stroke engine drives through a fully-automatic gearbox for simple 'twist-and-go' performance. £2.99 an entry 900 entries in Total A-T- Letters - 45 Entries Per Letter For free entry method see T&C's Free Delivery to the winner *If all of the tickets on the competitions do not sell out by the time the countdown timer reaches zero, an additional 7 days will be added on to the countdown timer. If all of the tickets have not sold after the first extended time period, a 7 day extension will be added up to a maximum of 4 times. If all tickets have not been sold after 4 extensions of 7 days, a cash alternative prize of 70% of tickets sales will be awarded to the winner instead of the prize.