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Elite Competitions Logo


This competition has now ended

Main prize winner

Darren Taylor - Xmas Bundle

Ticket number


This competition has ended but there are more amazing prizes waiting to be won on our latest competitions.

Competition Details

XMAS TOY BUNDLE The winner will receive: PRESENT PETS LASER BATTLE HUNTERS L.O.L SURPRISE OMG REMIX HOTWHEELS TRIPLE LOOP HOTWHEELS 9pc CAR PACK HOTWHEELS MONSTER TRUCK PEPPER PIG FAMILY HOME 500 Entries MAX - A-J Letters 50 in each £1.40 an entry For free entry see T&c's Free delivery to the winner Good Luck *This is a guaranteed draw regardless of ticket sales. The full prize will be given away regardless The draw will go ahead on 03/12/2020 at 4.30pm