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Elite Competitions Logo


This competition has now ended

Main prize winner

ronald breen -- Scaletrix Digital Bundle

Ticket number


This competition has ended but there are more amazing prizes waiting to be won on our latest competitions.

Competition Details

Scaletrix Digital Bundle Brand New & Genuine Scalextric Parts. All the track to make the layout shown 3x Digital Cars & 3x Wireless Controllers, ARC Pro Powerbase Set footprint of 8ft x 4ft -- Track running length is 33ft - 10.06m 299 Entries MAX - £3.75 For Free entry see T&C's Good Luck *This is a guaranteed draw regardless of ticket sales. The full prize will be given away regardless The draw will go ahead on 5th of January at 5:30pm We will bring the draw date forward if all tickets sell out early This competition has 1 winner