Elite Competitions Logo
Elite Competitions Logo


This competition has now ended

Main prize winner

Harry Jones - Milwaukee Tool Bundle

Ticket number


This competition has ended but there are more amazing prizes waiting to be won on our latest competitions.

1 x M18BPD - M18 Compact Percussion Drill 1 x M18BID - M18 Compact Impact Driver 1 x M18BSX - M18 Compact Sawzall 1 x HD18CS - M18 Circular Saw 1 x HD18AG - M18 115mm Angle Grinder. 1 x M18BP - M18 Planer 1 x M18TLED - M18 TrueView LED Torch 2 x M18B4 - M18 4.0Ah Batteries 1 x M12-18C - M12 & M18 Multi Charger 1 x Large Bag Free delivery to winner see terms and conditions for free entry 199 entries at £7.50 per entry *If all of the tickets the competitions does not sell out by the time the countdown timer reaches zero, an additional 7 days will be added on to the countdown timer. If all of the tickets have not sold after the first extended time period, a 7 day extension will be added up to a maximum of 4 times. If all tickets have not been sold after 4 extensions of 7 days, a cash alternative prize of 70% of tickets sales will be awarded to the winner instead of the prize.