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This competition has now ended

Main prize winner

Jake Higson - His and her Hunter boots

Ticket number


This competition has ended but there are more amazing prizes waiting to be won on our latest competitions.

Competition Details

HUNTER BOOTS HIS & HERS Perfect for wet weather conditions, this women's Wellington Boot has been at the heart of the Hunter Original brand since its introduction in 1956. Formed of natural rubber, each pair is made from 28 hand-cut parts and assembled over three days on an aluminium last bespoke to Hunter, before being vulcanised for superior protection. Featuring the Hunter Original tread pattern, and a comfortable polyester lining, this classic glossy black waterproof boot is a rainy-day necessity. 200 Entries - A-J Letters 40 in each For Free entry see T&C's Free Delivery to the winners Good Luck *This is a guaranteed draw regardless of ticket sales. The full prize will be given away regardless The draw will go ahead on 14th of Jan at 4:30pm We will bring the draw date forward