Ford Escort RS Cosworth 1995 M reg (private plate included) Ford Escort Cosworth (small turbo) Ash black 86,000 miles Full Service History Stacks of Previous MOT's & Paperwork T34/48 Turbo 803 Green Injectors 3 Bar Map Sensor AirTec RS500 Style Intercooler Airtec Radiator Stainless Exhaust System B&M Gear Shifter Morrette headlights Grey Hex Interior Headlining Terrines RS500 Grills 18” Compomotive Whjeels Toyo Proxies Allround What a chance to own such an iconic car. These are rocketing in value in this condition. £40 an entry 2060 entries in Total A-D Letters - 515 entries Per Letter For free entry method see T&C's Free Delivery to the winner *If all of the tickets the competitions does not sell out by the time the countdown timer reaches zero, an additional 7 days will be added on to the countdown timer. If all of the tickets have not sold after the first extended time period, a 7 day extension will be added up to a maximum of 4 times. If all tickets have not been sold after 4 extensions of 7 days, a cash alternative prize of 70% of tickets sales will be awarded