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Elite Competitions Logo


This competition has now ended

Main prize winner

Adam Wood - Beer Making Kit

Ticket number


This competition has ended but there are more amazing prizes waiting to be won on our latest competitions.

Equipment and ingredients for your first batch of beer. The Kit is reusable, and all you need for your next batch is a refill mix. This bundle comes with an extra 2 packs of Brew Dog beer mix, so you can make 3 batches of perfect home brew! Inside the box: All-Grain Ingredient Mix Gallon (3.8 L) Glass Fermenter Glass Spirit-Filled Thermometer Vinyl Tubing Racking Cane & Tip Chambered Airlock Brooklyn Brew Shop Cleanser Screw-Cap Stopper £0.50 per entry 500 ENTRIES - A-E - 100 IN EACH *THIS IS A GUARANTEED PRIZE - DRAW ON SAT REGARDLESS OF TICKETS SOLD FOR FREE ENTRY SEE T&C'S FREE DELIVERY TO THE WINNER GOOD LUCK