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Elite Competitions Logo


This competition has now ended

Main prize winner

Marcus Pollock, Jamie Ireland, Neil Whelan, Ryan Kirby, John Willison, Phil Donkin, Michelle Junnor, Marc Burgess, Phil Gibson, Amanda Keigher - 10 X PS5

Ticket number

L204, J14, U242, H58, N319, Y41, W311, V126, C185, X159

This competition has ended but there are more amazing prizes waiting to be won on our latest competitions.

Competition Details

10 Chances to a PS5 Disc Edition We will spin the machine 10 times 1st - PS5 Disc Edition 2nd - PS5 Disc Edition 3rd - PS5 Disc Edition 4th - PS5 Disc Edition 5th - PS5 Disc Edition 6th - PS5 Disc Edition 7th - PS5 Disc Edition 8th - PS5 Disc Edition 9th - PS5 Disc Edition 10th - PS5 Disc Edition £1.49 per entry 9,724 entries in Total A-Z Letters - 374 Entries Per Letter For free entry method see T&C's Free Delivery to the winner *This is a guaranteed draw regardless of ticket sales. The full prize will be given away regardless The draw will go ahead on 15th of December at 5:30pm We will bring the draw date forward if all tickets sell out early